Home Our Program Babies Baby/Toddler Toddler Pre-schooler JK/SK Advanced Musicianship Flute and Piano Lessons Summer Camp School Year 2024 Policies Home Our Program Babies Baby/Toddler Toddler Pre-schooler JK/SK Advanced Musicianship Flute and Piano Lessons Summer Camp School Year 2024 Policies Registration Which class would you like to register to? --Which class would you like to register to?__ Baby class on Wednesday at 11:30am Baby class on Thursday at 1:30pm Baby/Toddler on Wednesday at 10:45am Baby/Toddler on Saturday at 9:45am Toddler on Wednesday at 10:00am Toddler on Saturday at 9:45am Toddler on Saturday at 9:00am Pre-schooler 3-4 yrs on Thursday at 4:00pm Pre-schooler 3-4 yrs on Saturday at 9:00am JK on Sunday at 9:00am JK/SK on Tuesday at 4:00pm JK/SK on Saturday at 10:30am SK on Sunday at 10:30am Student's Full name Date of Birth Parent or Guardian Name Email Contact Number Billing Address How did you hear about us? __How did you hear about us?__ Referral/ Word of Mouth Internet Flyer Walk by Comment: I understand that My Musical Upbringing collects my name, email so I can be contacted. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. Your email address is confidential and will never be shared with third-parties. I understand that My Musical Upbringing collects my name, email so I can be contacted. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. Your email address is confidential and will never be shared with third-parties. I hereby understand and agree that My Musical Upbringing has permission to photograph and videotape the registered student and to reproduce such photographs and video for the use of the studio. No names will be posted with photos without additional permission. I hereby understand and agree that My Musical Upbringing has permission to photograph and videotape the registered student and to reproduce such photographs and video for the use of the studio. No names will be posted with photos without additional permission. I confirm that I have read, consent and agree to My Musical Upbringing studio policies I confirm that I have read, consent and agree to My Musical Upbringing studio policies Register Thank you!